Glue42 Enterprise is now io.Connect Desktop! The new documentation site for all products is located at

How to...

Floating Toolbar

The source code for the Glue42 Floating Toolbar is available on GitHub. You can use it as a template for creating your own custom toolbar.


The Glue42 Launchpad is available as a React Component on NPM - @glue42/launchpad-ui-react. You can use the component in your own apps and also modify it by passing different options. For more details, see the README file of the @glue42/launchpad-ui-react package.

Custom Toolbar

Once you have implemented a toolbar, you must host it, create an app configuration file for it and add it to your app store. Make sure to set the "shell" top-level key to true:

    "shell": true

Modify the system configuration of Glue42 Enterprise from the system.json file located in %LocalAppData%\Tick42\GlueDesktop\config. Set the "useEmbeddedShell" property to false:

    "useEmbeddedShell": false

Restart Glue42 Enterprise for the changes to take effect.