Glue42 Enterprise is now io.Connect Desktop! The new documentation site for all products is located at


System Configuration

The system configuration of Glue42 Enterprise is located in the system.json file in the main configuration folder - %LocalAppData%\Tick42\GlueDesktop\config. This file allows you to alter system-wide configurations for window behavior, app stores, Gateway settings and much more. In most cases, the default configuration settings should suffice. For more details, see the system configuration and the Glue42 Gateway configuration schemas.

See also the Glue42 Platform Features section of the documentation, as many of the platform features are configured via the system.json file.

The following examples demonstrate some of the available system level configurations.

Note that some of the globally defined properties in the system.json file may be overridden using the respective property definitions in the app configuration files.

The logging configuration for Glue42 Enterprise is found in the logger.json file located in %LocalAppData%\Tick42\GlueDesktop\config.

Dynamic Gateway Port

The Glue42 Gateway starts on port 8385 by default. In environments where multiple user sessions run on the same machine (e.g., running Glue42 Enterprise as a Citrix Virtual App), using a predefined port won't work, as the first instance of Glue42 Enterprise will occupy that port and all other instances won't be able to connect. To avoid this, the Glue42 Gateway can be configured from the "gw" top-level key of the system.json file to choose dynamically a free port on startup.

To configure the Glue42 Gateway to use a random free port, go to the "configuration" object under the "gw" top-level key and set its "port" property to 0:

    "gw": {
        "configuration": {
            "port": 0

For more details on configuring the Glue42 Gateway, see the Glue42 Gateway configuration schema.

Gateway Memory Diagnostics

Available since Glue42 Enterprise 3.17

The Glue42 Gateway can be configured to take heap memory snapshots when the heap memory exceeds a predefined limit. You can also set limits for the maximum client connections to the Glue42 Gateway and a maximum size of messages sent by apps to the Glue42 Gateway. If the maximum message size is exceeded, a warning in the logs will be triggered, which can help you identify the responsible apps. Use the "memory" and "limits" properties of the "configuration" object under the "gw" top-level key to specify the desired settings.

Sample configuration:

    "gw": {
        "configuration": {
            "memory": {
                "report_interval": 300000,
                "max_backups": 5,
                "memory_limit": 1073741824,
                "dump_location": "%GLUE-USER-DATA%/heapsnapshots",
                "dump_prefix": "gw"
            "limits": {
                "max_connections": 1000,
                "large_msg_threshold": 524288

The "memory" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
report_interval number Interval in milliseconds at which the heap memory size will be checked and logged. Defaults to 300000.
max_backups number Maximum number of heap memory snapshots that will be saved. Defaults to 10.
memory_limit number Limit for the heap memory size that will trigger heap memory snapshot. Defaults to 1073741824 (1GB).
dump_locaton string Location for dumping the heap memory snapshots. Defaults to "%GLUE-USER-DATA%/heapsnapshots".
dump_prefix string Prefix for the file containing the heap memory snapshots. Files will be named in the format <dump-prefix>.<backup-number>.heapsnapshot. Defaults to "gw".

The "limits" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
max_connections number Limit for the number of simultaneous client (app) connections to the Glue42 Gateway. Unlimited by default.
large_msg_threshold number Maximum size in bytes of messages sent to the Glue42 Gateway that, if exceeded, will trigger a warning in the logs. Useful for detecting apps sending excessively large messages causing the Glue42 Gateway to crash. Defaults to 20000.

For more details on configuring the Glue42 Gateway, see the Glue42 Gateway configuration schema.

App Stores

The settings for the app configuration stores are defined under the "appStores" top-level key, which accepts an array of objects defining one or more app stores.


To configure Glue42 Enterprise to load app configuration files from a local path, set the "type" property of the app store configuration object to "path" and specify a relative or an absolute path to the app definitions. The environment variables set by Glue42 Enterprise can also be used as values:

    "appStores": [
            "type": "path",
            "details": {
                "path": "../config/apps"
            "type": "path",
            "details": {
                "path": "%GD3-APP-STORE%"
            "type": "path",
            "details": {
                "path": "%GLUE-USER-DATA%/apps"

Each local path app store object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"type" string Required. Type of the app store. Must be set to "path" for local path app stores.
"details" object Required. Specific details about the app store.

The "details" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"path" string Required. Must point to the local app store. The specified path can be absolute or relative and you can use defined environment variables.


To configure a connection to the REST service providing the remote app store, add a new entry to the "appStores" top-level key and set its "type" to "rest":

    "appStores": [
            "type": "rest",
            "details": {
                "url": "http://localhost:3000/appd/v1/apps/search",
                "auth": "no-auth",
                "pollInterval": 30000,
                "enablePersistentCache": true,
                "cacheFolder": "%LocalAppData%/Tick42/UserData/%GLUE-ENV%-%GLUE-REGION%/gcsCache/"

Each remote app store object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"type" string Required. Type of the app store. Must be set to "rest" for remote app stores.
"details" object Required. Specific details about the app store.
"isRequired" boolean If true (default), the app store will be required. If the app store can't be retrieved, Glue42 Enterprise will throw an error and shut down. If false, Glue42 Enterprise will initiate normally, without apps from that store.

The "details" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"url" string Required. The URL to the REST service providing the app configurations.
"auth" string Authentication configuration. Can be one of "no-auth" (default), "negotiate" or "kerberos".
"pollInterval" number Interval in milliseconds at which to poll the REST service for updates. Default is 60000.
"enablePersistentCache" boolean If true (default), will cache and persist the configuration files locally (e.g., in case of connection interruptions).
"cacheFolder" string Where to keep the persisted configuration files.
"readCacheAfter" number Interval in milliseconds after which to try to read the cache. Default is 30000.
"startRetries" number Number of times Glue42 Enterprise will try to connect to the REST server. Default is 5.
"startRetryInterval" number Interval in milliseconds at which Glue42 Enterprise will try to connect to the REST Server. Default is 10000.
"requestTimeout" number Timeout in milliseconds to wait for a response from the REST server. Default is 20000.
"proxy" string HTTP proxy to use when fetching data.
"rejectUnauthorized" boolean If true (default), SSL validation will be enabled for the REST server.

The remote store must return app definitions in the following response shape:

    "applications": [
        // List of app definition objects.
        {}, {}

For details on working with remote app stores compliant with FDC3 App Directory standards, see the FDC3 Compliance section and the FDC3 App Directory documentation.

For a reference implementation of a remote app configurations store, see the Node.js REST Config example that implements the FDC3 App Directory and is compatible with Glue42 Enterprise. This basic implementation doesn't take the user into account and returns the same set of data for all requests. For instructions on running the sample server on your machine, see the README file in the repository.

For a .NET implementation of a remote app configurations store, see the .NET REST Config example.

Glue42 Server

To configure Glue42 Enterprise to fetch app configurations from a Glue42 Server, set the "type" property of the app store configuration object to "server":

    "appStores": [
            "type": "server"

The server app store object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"type" string Required. Type of the app store. Must be set to "server" for app stores retrieved from a Glue42 Server.

If you are using only a Glue42 Server for retrieving app configurations, you can set the "appStores" key to an empty array. Glue42 Enterprise will automatically try to connect to the Glue42 Server using its configuration, and will retrieve the app configurations from it, if any.

Layout Stores

The settings for the Layout stores are defined under the "layouts" top-level key, which accepts an object with a "store" property as a value.

The "store" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"type" string Type of the Layout store. Can be one of "file" (default), "rest" or "server".
"restURL" string URL pointing to the Layout store. Valid only in "rest" mode.
"restFetchInterval" number Interval in seconds at which to poll the REST service for updates. Default is 60. Valid only in "rest" mode.
"restClientAuth" string Authentication configuration. Can be one of "no-auth" (default), "negotiate" or "kerberos". Valid only in "rest" mode.
"rejectUnauthorized" boolean If true (default), SSL validation will be enabled for the REST server. Valid only in "rest" mode.


By default, the Layouts are saved to and loaded from a local Layout store located in the %LocalAppData%\Tick42\UserData\T42-DEMO\layouts folder, where you can store, customize and delete your Layout files locally.

To instruct Glue42 Enterprise to manage Layouts as local files, set the "type" property of the "store" object to "file":

    "layouts" : {
        "store": {
            "type": "file"


To configure a connection to the REST service providing the Layout store, set the "type" property of the "store" object to "rest":

    "layouts": {
        "store": {
            "type": "rest",
            "restURL": "http://localhost:8004/",
            "restFetchInterval": 20,
            "restClientAuth": "no-auth"

The remote store must return Layout definitions in the following response shape:

    "layouts": [
        // List of Layout definition objects.
        {}, {}

For a reference implementation of a remote Layout definitions store, see the Node.js REST Config example. The user Layouts are stored in files with the same structure as local Layout files. This basic implementation doesn't take the user into account and returns the same set of data for all users. New Layouts are stored in files using the name of the Layout and there isn't validation for the name. The operation for removing a Layout isn't implemented and just logs to the console. For instructions on running the sample server on your machine, see the README file in the repository.

For a .NET implementation of a remote Layout definitions store, see the .NET REST Config example.

Glue42 Server

To configure Glue42 Enterprise to fetch Layouts from a Glue42 Server, set the "type" property of the "store" to "server":

    "layouts" : {
        "store": {
            "type": "server"

Note that when using the Glue42 Server as a Layout store, Layout files aren't only fetched from the server, but are also saved on the server (e.g., when the user edits and saves an existing Layout).

App Preferences Store

App preferences can be stored locally in a file, or remotely - using a REST service or a Glue42 Server. By default, app preferences are stored locally in the %LocalAppData%\Tick42\UserData\<ENV>-<REG>\prefs folder where <ENV>-<REG> must be replaced with the environment and region of your Glue42 Enterprise copy (e.g., T42-DEMO). To configure Glue42 Enterprise where to store app preferences, use the "store" property of the "applicationPreferences" top-level key:

    "applicationPreferences": {
        "store": {
            "type": "rest",
            "restURL": "",
            "restClientAuth": "no-auth",
            "newDataCheckInterval": 2000

The "store" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"type" string The type of the app preferences store. Can be one of "file" (default), "rest" or "server".
"restURL" string The URL of the REST service providing the app preferences. Valid only in "rest" mode.
"restClientAuth" string The client authentication mechanism for the REST service. Can be one of "no-auth" (default), "negotiate" or "kerberos". Valid only in "rest" mode.
"newDataCheckInterval" number Interval in seconds at which to check for new data from the REST store. Executed only if subscribers are available. Valid only in "rest" mode.

The "type" property accepts the following values:

Value Description
"file" Default. App preferences will be saved locally in a file.
"rest" App preferences will be saved using the REST service at the URL provided to the "restURL" property.
"server" App preferences will be saved using a Glue42 Server (the Glue42 Server must be configured first).

For a reference implementation of a remote app preferences store, see the Node.js REST Config example. This basic implementation doesn't take the user into account and returns the same set of data for all requests. For instructions on running the sample server on your machine, see the README file in the repository.

Splash Screen

To customize the splash screen of Glue42 Enterprise, use the "splash" top-level key.

The "splash" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"disabled" boolean If true, the splash screen will be disabled.
"url" string URL pointing to the location of the splash screen.
"width" number Width in pixels for the splash screen.
"height" number Height in pixels for the splash screen.
"blockStartup" boolean If true, will block startup until the splash screen has loaded. This was the default behavior before Glue42 3.13 and was switched to false in Glue42 3.13.
"showOnShutdown" boolean If true, will show the splash screen when Glue42 Enterprise is shutting down.
"transparent" boolean If true, the splash screen background will become transparent. Available since Glue42 Enterprise 3.22.

The following example demonstrates how to provide a custom splash screen and settings for it:

    "splash": {
        "disabled": false,
        "url": "file://%GDDIR%/assets/custom/splash.html",
        "width": 350,
        "height": 233,
        "blockStartup": true

Layout Loader

The default loader for Global Layouts is an HTML file located in %LocalAppData%\Tick42\GlueDesktop\assets\loader which you can replace with your own custom one or edit it directly.

Available since Glue42 Enterprise 3.20

To customize the Layout loader, use the "splash" property of the "layouts" top-level key.

The "splash" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"disabled" boolean If true, the Layout loader will be disabled.
"url" string URL pointing to the location of the Layout loader. Defaults to file://%GDDIR%/assets/loader/index.html.
"title" string Title for the Layout loader.
"width" number Width in pixels for the Layout loader.
"height" number Height in pixels for the Layout loader.

The following example demonstrates how to provide a custom loader and settings for it:

    "layouts": {
        "splash": {
            "url": "",
            "title": "My Custom Loader",
            "width": 500,
            "height": 300


To specify global notification settings, use the "notifications" top-level key.

The "notifications" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"enabled" boolean If true, will enable all notifications - notification toasts and notifications in the Notification Panel.
"enableToasts" boolean If true, will enable notification toasts.
"sourceFilter" object Filter with names of apps that are allowed or not allowed to raise notifications.
"toastExpiry" number Interval in milliseconds after which the notification toasts will be hidden.

The "sourceFilter" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"allowed" string[] Names of apps allowed to raise notifications.
"blocked" string[] Names of apps not allowed to raise notifications.

The following example demonstrates the default global notification settings:

    "notifications": {
        "enabled": true,
        "enableToasts": true,
        "sourceFilter": {
            "allowed": ["*"]
        "toastExpiry": 15000

App Settings

Title Format

Available since Glue42 Enterprise 3.10

To set a format for the titles of app windows, use the "titleFormat" property of the "applications" top-level key. Use the supported macros - {title} and {instanceIndex}:

    "applications": {
        "titleFormat": "{title} ({instanceIndex})"

Title format

The value for the {title} macro is the title specified in the app configuration file. The {instanceIndex} macro is the consecutive number of the app instance. It is incremented for each new app instance starting from 1. If all instances are closed, the counter is reset. If some instances are closed while others are still running, the counter will continue to increment accordingly.

Note that if the app sets the title programmatically through any of the Glue42 APIs, the specified title format will be overridden. For web apps, the window title can be synced with the document title by using the "syncTitleWithDocumentTitle" property of the "windows" top-level key, which will override the specified title format.


Available since Glue42 Enterprise 3.11

To specify whether app instances are to be closed when a Layout, a Workspace or a window group is hibernated, use the "closeOnHibernate" property of the "applications" top-level key:

    "applications": {
        "closeOnHibernate": false

By default, this property is set to true. Set to false to prevent the apps participating in the hibernation process to close. This will result in faster display of hibernated apps when resuming Layouts, Workspaces or window groups, but won't save as much system resources.

Setting this to false may also be useful if you want to hibernate and resume Glue42 Window groups programmatically, in order to preserve the original group objects and IDs.

Window Settings

Global Glue42 Window settings are found under the "windows" top-level key of the system.json file of Glue42 Enterprise and can be overridden per app by the app configuration settings.

Persisting Current URLs

Available since Glue42 Enterprise 3.21

To persist the current URLs of web apps when a Layout is saved (App Default, Global Layouts, or Workspaces), use the "saveCurrentUrlInLayout" property. It accepts a Boolean value, or an array of strings specifying the Layout types for which the current URLs of the web apps will be persisted. The possible string values are "ApplicationDefault", "Global", and "Worksapace". Persisting the current URL of a web app allows users to automatically restore its last saved navigation state.

The following example demonstrates how to persist the current URLs of web apps only when they participate in Global Layouts and Workspaces:

    "windows": {
        "saveCurrentUrlInLayout": ["Global", "Workspace"]

The following example demonstrates how to persist the current URLs of web apps in all types of Layouts:

    "windows": {
        "saveCurrentUrlInLayout": true

Saving current URLs of web apps can also be controlled per app from the app configuration.

Persisting Current Window Titles

Available since Glue42 Enterprise 3.23

To persist the current window titles of web apps when a Layout is saved (App Default, Global Layouts, or Workspaces), use the "saveCurrentTitleInLayout" property. It accepts a Boolean value, or an array of strings specifying the Layout types for which the current window titles of the web apps will be persisted. The possible string values are "ApplicationDefault", "Global", and "Worksapace".

The following example demonstrates how to persist the current window titles of web apps only when they participate in Global Layouts and Workspaces:

    "windows": {
        "saveCurrentTitleInLayout": ["Global", "Workspace"]

The following example demonstrates how to persist the current window titles of web apps in all types of Layouts:

    "windows": {
        "saveCurrentTitleInLayout": true

Saving current window titles of web apps can also be controlled per app from the app configuration.

Cascading Windows

Glue42 Windows can be opened in a cascade. Each new window is offset from the previously opened window by a specified distance:

Cascading Windows

Cascading windows is enabled by default. To specify offset for the cascaded windows, use the "cascade" property:

    "windows": {
        "cascade": {
            "offset": 30

The "cascade" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"enabled" boolean If true (default), will enable cascading windows.
"offset" number Offset in pixels for the cascaded window.

The settings for cascading windows can also be controlled per app from the app configuration.

Sticky Button

Available since Glue42 Enterprise 3.11

To show the "Sticky" button on all Glue42 Windows, set the "showStickyButton" property to true:

    "windows": {
        "showStickyButton": true

Sticky button

Feedback Button

Available since Glue42 Enterprise 3.17

To enable the "Feedback" button globally for all Glue42 Windows, set the "showFeedbackButton" property to true:

    "windows": {
        "showFeedbackButton": true

Feedback Button

The "Feedback" button can also be enabled or disabled per app from the app configuration.

Jump List

Available since Glue42 Enterprise 3.15

To configure the jump list globally for all Glue42 Windows, use the "jumpList" property:

    "windows": {
        "jumpList": {
            "enabled": true,
            "categories": [
                    "title": "Tasks",
                    "actions": [
                            "icon": "%GDDIR%/assets/images/center.ico",
                            "type": "centerScreen",
                            "singleInstanceTitle": "Center on Primary Screen",
                            "multiInstanceTitle": "Center all on Primary Screen"

The "jumpList" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"enabled" boolean If true (default), will enable the jump list.
"categories" object[] Categorized lists with actions to execute when the user clicks on them.

Each object in the "categories" array has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"title" string Title of the category to be displayed in the context menu.
"actions" object[] List of actions contained in the category.

Each object in the "actions" array has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"icon" string Icon for the action to be displayed in the context menu. Must point to a local file.
"type" string Type of the predefined action to execute.
"singleInstanceTitle" string Title of the action to be displayed in the context menu when there is a single instance with a single taskbar icon.
"multiInstanceTitle" string Title of the action to be displayed in the context menu when there are multiple instances with grouped taskbar icons.

For more information, see Glue42 Platform Features > Jump List.

Downloading Files

To configure the global behavior of the Glue42 Windows when downloading files, use the "downloadSettings" property:

    "windows": {
        "downloadSettings": {
            "autoSave": true,
            "autoOpenPath": false,
            "autoOpenDownload": false,
            "enable": true,
            "enableDownloadBar": true,
            "path": "%DownloadsFolder%"

For more information, see Glue42 Platform Features > Downloading Files.


To set the zoom behavior of the Glue42 Windows, use the "zoom" property:

    "windows": {
        "zoom": {
            "enabled": true,
            "mouseWheelZoom": false,
            "factors": [25, 33, 50, 67, 75, 80, 90, 100, 110, 125, 150, 175, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500],
            "defaultFactor": 100

For more information, see Glue42 Platform Features > Zooming.


Use the CTRL + P key combination to print a web page opened in a Glue42 Window. To enable or disable printing, or to configure the default print settings use the "print" property. The following example demonstrates configuring some of the available print settings:

    "windows": {
        "print": {
            "enabled": true,
            "silent": true,
            "color": false,
            "copies": 1,
            "footer": "",
            "pageSize": "A4",
            "duplexMode": "longEdge"
Property Type Description
"enabled" boolean Whether to enable or disable printing.
"silent" boolean Whether to ask the user for print settings.
"color" boolean Whether to print the page in color or in grayscale.
"copies" number The number of copies to print.
"footer" string A string that will be printed as a footer on each page.
"pageSize" string The size of the printed page.
"duplexMode" string Setting for duplex printing.

For more details on all available print properties and their values, see the "print" key in the system.json schema.

To enable or disable printing a web page as a PDF file, or to configure the default settings for printing to PDF, use the "printToPdfSettings" property of the "windows" top-level key. The following example demonstrates configuring some of the available settings for printing to a PDF file:

    "windows": {
        "printToPdfSettings": {
            "enabled": true,
            "autoSave": true,
            "autoOpenPath": true,
            "fullPath": "C:\\Users\\%USERNAME%\\Documents\\PDF",
            "usePrintShortcutKey": true,
            "pageSize": "A4",
            "printBackground": true,
            "printSelectionOnly": true
Property Type Description
"enabled" boolean Whether to enable or disable printing to a PDF file.
"autoSave" boolean Whether to auto save the PDF file.
"autoOpenPath" boolean Whether to auto open the directory where the file was saved.
"fullPath" string The default directory where PDF files will be saved.
"usePrintShortcutKey" boolean Whether to use CTRL + P to print to a PDF file by default.
"pageSize" string The size of the printed page.
"printBackground" boolean Whether to print the page background.
"printSelectionOnly" boolean Whether to print only the currently selected section of the page.

For more details on all available properties for printing to a PDF file and their values, see the "printToPdfSettings" key in the system.json schema.

The "print" and "printToPdfSettings" properties are also available under the "details" key of the configuration file for window apps. Use them to override the system-wide print settings.

User Agent

To specify a custom User-Agent request header to be sent when connecting to a server, use the "userAgent" property:

    "windows": {
        "userAgent": "custom-user-agent-string"

Citrix Apps

Note that the default system settings for the Citrix Virtual Apps support should work fine in most cases and usually it isn't necessary to make any modifications. If the default settings don't work for your specific environment, use the "citrix" top-level key to provide custom values.

The following configuration contains the default Citrix settings:

    "citrix": {
        "launcherPath": "%ProgramFiles(x86)%/Citrix/ICA Client/SelfServicePlugin",
        "launcherModule": "SelfService.exe",
        "launcherArguments": "-qlaunch \"$appName$\"",
        "launcherSpawnInterval": 1500

The "citrix" key has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"launcherPath" string Location of the Citrix module used to launch published Citrix Virtual Apps.
"launcherModule" string The file name of the Citrix module used to launch published Citrix Virtual Apps.
"launcherArguments" string The command line arguments used to launch published Citrix Virtual Apps.
"launcherSpawnInterval" number Interval in milliseconds at which multiple launcher modules will be spawned.


The logging configuration for Glue42 Enterprise is found in the logger.json file located in %LocalAppData%\Tick42\GlueDesktop\config. A JSON schema for the logger.json file isn't available, as the Glue42 Enterprise logging mechanism is based on log4js-node. The logging configuration provided in the logger.json file is identical to the log4js-node configuration as described in the log4js-node API documentation.

You can also configure Glue42 Enterprise to stream the system logs so that they can be consumed by your apps. For more details, see the Streaming System Logs and the Glue42 Platform Features > Logging > Streaming & Consuming System Logs sections.

Note that Glue42 Enterprise also offers a JavaScript Logger API that enables your Glue42 apps to output logs to files or to the console.

Default Configuration

By default, Glue42 Enterprise uses two of the core log4js-node appenders - file and multiFile. The file appender is used for logging events related to the Glue42 Enterprise app itself, while the multiFile appender is used for logging events related to each Glue42 enabled app.

The following is the default logging configuration for Glue42 Enterprise, which you can modify according the specifications laid out in the log4js-node documentation:

    "appenders": {
        "out": {
            "type": "stdout"
        "app": {
            "type": "file",
            "filename": "%GLUE-USER-DATA%/logs/application.log",
            "maxLogSize": 10485760,
            "backups": 5,
            "minLevel": "info",
            "keepFileExt": true,
            "compress": true
        "applications": {
            "type": "multiFile",
            "base": "%GLUE-USER-DATA%/logs/applications/",
            "property": "applicationName",
            "extension": ".log",
            "maxLogSize": 10485760,
            "backups": 3,
            "category": "app-own-log",
            "layout": {
                "type": "pattern",
                "pattern": "[%d] [%p] [%X{instanceId}] %X{loggerName} - %m"
        "gateway": {
            "type": "file",
            "filename": "%GLUE-USER-DATA%/logs/gw.log",
            "maxLogSize": 10000000,
            "backups": 10,
            "minLevel": "debug"
    "categories": {
        "default": {
            "appenders": [
            "level": "debug"
        "glue-logger": {
            "appenders": [
            "level": "trace"
        "app-own-log": {
            "appenders": [
            "level": "trace"
        "gw": {
            "appenders": [
            "level": "info"

Custom Log Appenders

You can add any other log4js-node appenders (core, optional and custom) and categories to the Glue42 Enterprise logging configuration.

The following example demonstrates how to add the logstashHTTP optional appender to Glue42 Enterprise:

  1. Create a directory for the appender and run the following command to install it:
npm install @log4js-node/logstash-http
  1. Create an index.js file in which import and export the appender:
module.exports = require("@log4js-node/logstash-http");
  1. Add the logstashHTTP appender to the Glue42 Enterprise configuration in the logger.json file under the "appenders" top-level key:
    "appenders": {
        "logstash": {
            "type": "%GDDIR%/assets/logstash-http",
            "url": "http://localhost:9200/_bulk",
            "application": "My App",
            "logType": "application",
            "logChannel": "node"

The "type" property must point to the location of the logstash-http package. You can also use environment variables.

  1. Under the "categories" top-level key, define the log event categories for which the log appender will be used:
    "categories": {
        "my-custom-category": {
            "appenders": ["logstash"],
            "level": "info"

Streaming System Logs

Available since Glue42 Enterprise 3.19

You can configure Glue42 Enterprise to stream the system logs so that they can be consumed by your apps. To specify the log streaming configuration, use the "streaming" property of the "logging" top-level key of the system.json file:

    "logging": {
        "streaming": {
            "enabled": true,
            "minLevel": "warn",
            "interval": 60

The "streaming" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"enabled" boolean If true, will enable streaming system log entries.
"minLevel" string The minimum level of the log entries to be streamed.
"interval" number Interval in seconds at which the log entries will be streamed.

For details on how to consume the system logs, see the Glue42 Platform Features > Logging > Streaming & Consuming System Logs section.

Issue Reporting

To configure the Feedback Form of Glue42 Enterprise, use the "issueReporting" top-level key:

    "issueReporting": {
        "attachmentsViewMode": "category",
        "jira": {
            "enabled": true,
            "url": "",
            "user": "user",
            "password": "password",
            "project": "MY_PROJECT"
        "mail": {
            "enabled": true,
            "zipAttachments": true,
            "bugSubjectPrefix": "Error:",
            "reportSubjectPrefix": "Feedback:",
            "recipients": ["", ""],
            "allowEditRecipients": true,
            "maxAttachmentMB": "10"
        "folderAttachments": [
                "name": "G4E-Screenshots",
                "folderPath": "%GLUE-USER-DATA%/logs",
                "zipFolderPath": "GlueDesktop\\Screenshots",
                "filter": "*.png",
                "category": "Screenshots",
                "selected": false,
                "recursive": true
                "name": "G4E-AppLogs",
                "folderPath": "%GLUE-USER-DATA%/logs",
                "zipFolderPath": "GlueDesktop\\Logs",
                "filter": "*.log*",
                "category": "Logs",
                "selected": true,
                "recursive": true
                "name": "G4E-Crashes",
                "folderPath": "%GLUE-USER-DATA%/crashes/reports",
                "zipFolderPath": "GlueDesktop\\Crashes",
                "filter": "*.dmp",
                "category": "Dumps",
                "recursive": false
        "form": {
            "width": 350,
            "height": 500

The "issueReporting" top-level key has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"jira" object Required. Jira configuration. For more details, see the Jira section.
"mail" object Required. Mail configuration. For more details, see the Mail section.
"folderAttachments" object[] Required. Attachments configuration. For more details, see the Attachments section.
"attachScreenShots" boolean If true, will attach screenshots of all monitors to the issue report.
"attachmentsViewMode" "file" | "category" Defines how the attachments will be displayed in the Feedback Form. Possible values are "file" or "category". If set to "file", all attachable files will be displayed as separate items, otherwise several main categories will be displayed and if the category is selected by the user, all files in it will be attached.
"form" object Object that can be used to specify various properties for the Glue42 Window containing the Feedback Form, or to provide a URL pointing to a custom Feedback App.


The configuration for automatically creating a Jira ticket when submitting a Feedback Form is found under the required "jira" property of the "issueReporting" top-level key. It accepts an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
"enabled" boolean If true, will enable the option to create a Jira ticket when submitting the issue.
"url" string Required. Link to the Jira API.
"user" string Required. The username of the user that will create the ticket.
"password" string Required. The password of the user that will create the ticket.
"project" string Required. The name of the project in which the ticket will be created.
"preferredRole" string Preferred role in the Jira project.
"preferredRoleDescriptor" string Description of the preferred role in the Jira project.
"useProjectLeadAsPreferredAssignee" boolean Whether to assign the ticket to the project lead.
"tlsVersion" string Force TLS protocol version, e.g. "TLS1.2".
"noPriority" boolean If true, the ticket "Priority" field won't be set.
"noEnvironment" boolean If true, the ticket "Environment" field won't be set.


The configuration for automatically sending an email when submitting a Feedback Form is found under the required "mail" property of the "issueReporting" top-level key. It accepts an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
"enabled" boolean If true, will enable the option to send an email when submitting the issue.
"zipAttachments" boolean If true, the attachments will be archived.
"bugSubjectPrefix" string Prefix for the email subject when the issue is a bug.
"reportSubjectPrefix" string Prefix for the email subject when sending feedback.
"recipients" string[] A list of email addresses to which the issue report will be sent.
"allowEditRecipients" boolean If true, the user will be allowed to manually add more recipients.
"maxAttachmentMB" string The maximum size of the attachments in MB.


The configuration for attaching files when submitting a Feedback Form is found under the required "folderAttachments" property of the "issueReporting" top-level key. It accepts an array of objects, each with the following properties:

Property Type Description
"name" string Required. Name for the attachment.
"folderPath" string Required. Path to the folder that will be attached.
"zipFolderPath" string Required. Path in the archived folder.
"filter" string Required. Regex filter that will be applied to each file in the folder - e.g., "*.log".
"category" string Required. Category for the attached item.
"selected" boolean If true, the category (or all files under this category) in the Feedback Form will be selected by default.
"recursive" boolean If true, will collect and attach all files from all folders located inside the specified folder. Set to false to collect the files only in the specified folder.


To configure the Glue42 Window containing the Feedback Form, use the "form" property of the "issueReporting" top-level key. It accepts an object with the following properties:

Property Type Description
"url" string URL pointing to the location of the Feedback App. Defaults to "file://%GDDIR%/assets/issue-reporting/index.html".
"width" number Width in pixels for the Feedback Form.
"height" number Height in pixels for the Feedback Form.
"showEnvironmentInfo" boolean If true, the Feedback Form will show a field with details about the Glue42 environment.
"transparent" boolean If true, the Glue42 Window containing the Feedback Form will have a transparent background. Available since Glue42 Enterprise 3.24.

Note that the "transparent" property will set a transparent background only for the Glue42 Window that contains the Feedback App. To achieve actual transparency, you must also set a transparent background for your app from its styles.

For details on how to create your custom Feedback App, see the Glue42 Platform Features > Issue Reporting > Extending the Feedback Form section.

About App

Available since Glue42 Enterprise 3.20

To customize the About app of Glue42 Enterprise, use the "about" top-level key.

The "about" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"url" string URL pointing to the location of the About app.
"width" number Width in pixels for the About app.
"height" number Height in pixels for the About app.
"hideTrademark" boolean Hide the trademark information section in the About app.

To remove the trademark information at the bottom of the page, use the "hideTrademark" property:

    "about": {
        "hideTrademark": true

Hide Trademark

You can also change the entire content displayed in the About app and its size by providing a URL to be loaded instead of the default app and specifying the desired width and height.

The following example demonstrates how to modify the size and the content of the About app:

    "about": {
        "url": "",
        "width": 500,
        "height": 500

Custom About


To configure the location of the system folders of Glue42 Enterprise, use the "folders" top-level key.

The "folders" object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
"cache" string Where to store the Electron cache. Defaults to %LocalAppData%/Tick42/Cache/%GLUE-ENV%-%GLUE-REGION%/.
"remoteConfig" string Where to store configuration files for Glue42 Enterprise downloaded from remote locations. Defaults to %LocalAppData%/Tick42/UserData/%GLUE-ENV%-%GLUE-REGION%/remoteConfig.
"userData" string Where to store user-specific data like app configurations, Layouts, logs, cache and other system information. Defaults to %LocalAppData%/Tick42/UserData/%GLUE-ENV%-%GLUE-REGION%/.

The following example demonstrates how to change the location of the folder containing remote configurations for Glue42 Enterprise:

    "folders": {
        "remoteConfig": "%LocalAppData%/my-configs/%GLUE-ENV%-%GLUE-REGION%/remote"