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Fidessa Connector


The Fidessa Tracking Groups are mapped via configuration to the Glue42 Channels which allows passing context between Fidessa apps and Glue42 enabled apps.

Below is an example configuration of a Glue42 Channel which shows that the "Red" Glue42 Channel is mapped to Fidessa Tracking Group 5.

    "name": "Red",
    "meta": {
        "color": "red",
        "fidessaGroup": {
            "index": 5,
            "readDataFieldPath": "",
            "writeDataFieldPath": ""
Property Type Description
"index" number The index of the Fidessa Tracking Group which to map to the respective Glue42 Channel.
"readDataFieldPath" string Specifies the field path to the Glue42 Channel data from where the Fidessa Connector reads the updated Channel value and then updates the Fidessa Tracking Group context.
"writeDataFieldPath" string Specifies the field path to the Glue42 Channel data where the Fidessa Connector writes the updated Fidessa Tracking Group context.

The mapping between the Glue42 Channels and the Fidessa Tracking Groups is preconfigured (in the channels.json file located in the %localappdata%\Tick42\GlueDesktop\config folder), but you can decide to assign different Fidessa Tracking Groups to different Glue42 Channels. For more information on configuring the Glue42 Channels, see the Developers section.

Context Shape

The context passed from the Fidessa Connector to the Glue42 enabled apps and vice versa has the following shape:

    instrument: {
        // "VOD.L" or { fim: "VOD.L", bloomberg: "VOD:LN", ... }
        id: string | object;
        [prop: string] : any
    client: string | object,
    order: {
        fidessaReference: string

Handling Channel Context

On how to update and subscribe for changes to a Channel context, see the Glue42 Channels API

Channel Updates

A Channel is updated every time the user selects an instrument, order or counterparty in a Fidessa app or in a Glue42 enabled app.

When an update from a Fidessa app arrives, the mapping service handles the conversion of instrument codes from FIM (Fidessa Instrument Mnemonic) to other standards (Bloomberg, Reuters Instrument Code, etc.). For instance, when a Fidessa app returns "VOD.L", the connector translates that mnemonic to other standards as well and updates the context object accordingly:

    instrument: {
        id: {
            bloomberg: "VOD:LN",
            fim: "VOD.L",
            ric: "VOD.L"

If there is no active mapping service, the value for the property is the string literal received from Fidessa:

    instrument: {
        id: "VOD.L"

When a Glue42 enabled app updates the Channel context, the Fidessa Connector first tries to retrieve the instrument ID from the configured "fimPath" (see Connection Settings) and if no instrument ID is available there, the value of the property is sent to the mapping service. If no mapping service is available, or if the mapping service returns an object which doesn't contain an property, the update is ignored.